2013년 12월 4일 수요일

About 'colorado springs christian school'|... used of God to bring about the greatest revival in the history of Christianity. He asked the audience, “How many Christian leaders do you know that have...

About 'colorado springs christian school'|... used of God to bring about the greatest revival in the history of Christianity. He asked the audience, “How many Christian leaders do you know that have...

Cautions               Not               To               Forget               the               True               Meaning               of               Memorial               Day               Have               we               forgotten               the               true               meaning               of               Memorial               Day?

Every               year               we               are               called               to               remember               the               fallen               soldier               on               that               day.

And               every               year               people,               bloggers,               radio               hosts               and               writers               are               wondering               if               people               have               forgotten               the               true               meaning               of               this               day               referring               to               the               grilling,               the               food,               the               beer,               the               picnics,               the               traffic,               the               commerce               and               the               accidents               on               U.S.

streets               at               the               Memorial               Day               Weekend.
               Call               me               ignorant               but               I               always               referred               to               Memorial               Day               as               the               beginning               of               summer.

It's               the               day,               the               pools               opens,               the               smell               of               coal               and               hot               dogs               is               in               the               air,               the               kids               are               out               of               school               and               the               bird               chirping               is               drowned               out               by               the               loud               music               of               my               neighbors.

I               love               Memorial               Day.
               I               came               to               the               United               States               15               years               ago               after               I               married               an               active               duty               U.S.

Soldier,               who               served               at               the               time               I               met               him               in               Germany.

I               lived               on               and               off               military               installations               and               I               am               surrounded               by               those               who               are               willing               to               give               the               ultimate               sacrifice               every               day.

My               husband               deployed               twice               to               Iraq               and               when               he               deployed               from               Colorado               Springs               54               soldiers               of               his               unit               died               during               that               deployment.

I               have               been               to               memorial               services               and               heard               of               those               who               have               fallen               for               this               wonderful               country.

My               all               time               hero               is               Captain               Josh               Byers               who               died               that               year.

Captain               Josh               Byers               is               the               brother               of               the               founders               of               the               Christian               Rock               Group               Bleach.

They               were               singing               at               his               memorial               Service               in               Colorado               Springs.

He's               sense               of               humor               was               deeply               appreciated               by               his               soldiers.

He's               efforts               of               creating               events               on               holidays               away               from               home               in               the               danger               zone               home               was               noted               by               those               who               served               under               him.
               As               a               family               member               of               a               U.S.

Soldier               I               am               encouraged               by               those               "Thank               Yous"               and               handshakes               my               husband               receives.

I               sometimes               however               have               to               smile               especially               when               people               caution               other               people               not               to               overdo               the               Memorial               Day               weekend               because               it               is               all               about               the               U.S.


On               K-               Love               a               radio               host               was               asking               listeners               not               to               forget               the               family               member               of               the               U.S.

Soldier               and               to               celebrate               the               true               meaning               of               Memorial               Day.
               The               History               of               Memorial               Day
               Memorial               Day               is               different               from               Veterans               Day.

On               Memorial               Day               we               supposed               to               honor               the               fallen               Soldiers               or               service               members.

On               Veterans               Day               you               honor               those               who               served               honorable               in               the               U.S.

military               at               any               capacity               during               any               war.

Memorial               Day               goes               back               to               1867               where               women               in               the               South               decorated               the               graves               of               their               confederated               soldiers               in               PA,               VA               and               MS.

In               1866               Women               made               headlines               getting               together               in               order               to               honor               the               graves               of               Union               Soldiers               and               Confederate               Soldiers               in               Columbus,               Mississippi.

A               woman               and               her               two               children               not               only               decorated               one               grave               but               several               graves               which               then               inspired               the               first               organized               community               wide               Memorial               Day.

In               1867               Francis               Mile               Finch               wrote               the               popular               poem:               "The               Blue               and               The               Gray"               which               then               motivated               people               to               find               a               special               day               to               decorate               the               grave               of               the               soldiers.

In               1868               General               Logan               established               May               30               as               Memorial               Day.

In               1873               New               York               declared               Memorial               Day               as               a               Legal               Holiday.

In               1887               U.S.

Congress               declared               Memorial               Day               as               a               federal               Holiday               which               means               that               government               employees               are               off               that               day.

Since               1971               Memorial               Day               falls               on               the               last               Monday               of               May.

"A               National               Moment               of               Remembrance"               resolution               was               passed               in               December               of               2000.

At               3               pm               local               time               every               person               in               this               country               is               encouraged               to               listen               to               "Taps"               and               pause               for               one               minute               to               remember               those               who               have               fallen               for               this               country.
               Observation               of               Memorial               Day               on               Military               Installations
               As               a               military               spouse               I               can't               say               that               I               ever               met               a               U.S.

Soldier               on               active               duty               who               is               concerned               or               offended               by               those               picnics,               activities               people               have               on               Memorial               Day               Weekend.

As               a               matter               of               fact               we               are               celebrating               it               the               same               way               as               most               people               do               which               is               listening               to               music,               putting               some               steak               on               the               grill,               drinking               a               beer               or               a               margarita               and               hanging               out               with               friends.

I               am               convinced               that               even               the               fallen               soldiers               celebrated               Memorial               Day               in               company               of               their               families               and               friends.

On               the               military               Installation               on               Memorial               Day               I               smelled               as               much               steak               as               in               a               "normal               community"               The               pools               are               as               crowded               on               post               as               off               post               on               Memorial               Day               Weekend.

The               Liquor               Stores               are               seeing               the               same               crowds               on               the               military               Installation               as               in               the               community               on               Memorial               Day               Weekend.

So               please               don't               feel               guilty               enjoying               your               fishing               trip,               eating               your               hot               dog               and               drinking               your               beer               on               Memorial               Day               Weekend.

By               all               means               enjoy               it!.

Come               3               pm               local               time               listen               to               the               "tabs",               pause               for               a               minute,               say               a               prayer               for               loved               ones               of               fallen               soldiers               and               thank               God               for               those               who               are               willing               to               give               it               all.

After               the               minute               of               reflection               is               done               grab               your               drink               and               toast               to               the               soldier.
               Remember               the               Soldier               Year               Around
               Memorial               Day               was               also               called               once               Decoration               Day               since               women               decorated               the               graves               of               their               fallen               soldiers               with               flowers.

If               you               know               of               a               grave               of               a               fallen               soldiers               in               a               cemetery               you               regular               visit               put               a               flower               on               it               here               and               there               year               around.

Write               a               Thank               You               Note               especially               if               it               is               an               unattended               grave.

Leave               a               comment               for               family               members               of               fallen               soldiers               on               their               memorial               pages.

Invite               a               family               of               a               deployed               Soldier               over               for               dinner               especially               on               a               holiday.

Support               Widows               of               Fallen               Soldiers.

Thank               a               Veteran               and               listen               to               their               stories               of               their               comrades.

Never               belittle               a               soldier's               willingness               to               sacrifice               or               a               sacrifice.

Nobody               wants               to               be               forgotten.

Tell               the               stories               of               someone               you               know               who               served               honorable               in               the               military.

Be               kind               and               generous               to               a               wounded               soldier               including               those               who               suffer               from               Post               Traumatic               Stress               Disorder.

Remember               Memorial               Day               doesn't               have               to               be               only               once               a               year               we               can               remember               those               fallen               soldiers               all               year               around.
               Personal               Experience               

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colorado springs christian school

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colorado springs christian school

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colorado springs christian school

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